Art. 34 Information requirements
1 The Pension Fund informs its insured member once a year on
- their benefit entitlements, insured salary, contribution rate and retirement savings;
- the organisation and financing;
- the members of the Board of Trustees.
2 It meets its information obligations through the provision of a pension statement and an annual report to its insured member.
3 On request, the Pension Fund provides information on investment income, actuarial risk, administration costs, calculation of policy reserves and the funded status. Basis for the information is the last report of the accredited pension actuary.
4 In the event of vested benefits, the pension fund shall inform the new pension fund or the vested benefits institution or the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution of members who are receiving or have received a retirement benefit or are receiving a pension due to partial disability of the receipt of the retirement and disability benefits necessary for:
- calculation of the potential buy-in
- calculation of the compulsory insured salary; and
- observance of the maximum number of three remunerations in the case of a lump-sum benefit.