Art. 19 Disability pension
If the degree of disability is less than 40%, the Pension Fund is entitled to review and adjust the degree of disability at any time. The insured member is obliged to undergo medical examinations and submit the current salary statement or tax return to the Pension Fund each year unsolicited. An increase in actual income from gainful employment results in the degree of disability being adjusted without the need for any additional medical clarification. The new degree of disability is calculated based on the income at the time partial disability occurs (including the adjustment to reflect the nominal salary index) and the income currently earned. If the insured’s state of health deteriorates, the insured can submit a new pension request or a revision request to the Pension Fund.
Subject to Art. 20, entitlement expires
- in the event of the death of the insured member; or
- if the disability ceases; or
- on reaching the reference age, from that date the insured person is entitled to an retirement pension in accordance with Art. 10.
Vested rights supplement = (disability pension – retirement pension) * (retirement savings / maximum retirement savings)
The disability pension at the time the individual reaches the reference age is decisive for the purposes of calculating the vested rights supplement. Both the retirement savings and the maximum retirement savings relate to the date when disability occurred (or the date of the last increase or reduction in the degree of disability before the individual reached the reference age) and are taken into account in line with the degree of disability (i.e. at a rate of 100% where the degree of disability is 70% or higher). The maximum retirement savings are measured based on the buy-in table for the standard plan (Annex 4).
A maximum of one old-age pension with vested rights supplement will be paid in the amount of the disability pension paid to date. If the disability pension is lower than the old-age pension pursuant to Art. 10 without vested rights supplement, the old-age pension pursuant to Art. 10 without vested rights supplement will be paid.