Art. 24 Financing residential property ownership
1 Insured members may withdraw or pledge their pension funds for the purpose of home ownership up to three years before the reference age. Voluntarily insured members may withdraw or pledge pension funds in advance in accordance with Art. 5a during the first two years of voluntary insurance, but no later than three years before reaching the reference age. The legal provisions governing the promotion of property ownership using Pension Fund assets apply. Information can be found in the Pension Fund brochures on the promotion of home ownership using Pension Fund assets.
2 If the insured member is married, an early withdrawal is only permitted if the application is co-signed by the spouse. The signature must be certified.
3 The repayment of an early withdrawal is allocated at the same ratio as the early withdrawal from BVG retirement savings and all remaining retirement savings. Art. 27 Paras. 2 and 3 apply analogously. If the early withdrawal took place before 1 January 2017 and if the share of the BVG retirement savings can no longer be ascertained on the basis of the early withdrawal amount, the repayment amount of retirement savings and the remaining pension assets are allocated at the ratio that existed between these two amounts immediately before repayment.
4 In the case of an early withdrawal or pledge, the Pension Fund charges a processing fee in accordance with its cost regulations.