Art. 25 Vested early leaver benefits
1 If the pension fund is terminated before the reference age, the insured person is entitled to vested termination benefits to the extent to which they do not receive a pension benefit (disability pension/retirement benefit) from the pension fund.2 The Pension Fund shall inform the insured member of the amount of the vested early leaver benefit and shall request that the member submit the details required for the use of the vested early leaver benefit. The Pension Fund shall also inform the insured member of the legally prescribed options for the maintenance of occupational pension protection.
2 The Pension Fund will transfer the vested early leaver benefit to the new employer’s pension scheme or will meet its obligations by setting up a vested benefits account or a vested benefits policy.
If the insured member fails to notify them, the vested benefits will be transferred to the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution at the earliest after six months and at the latest after two years.
3 The insured member may request that the vested early leaver benefit be paid out in cash if the member:
- is leaving Switzerland permanently and the payout does not violate any restriction under Art. 25f of the Swiss Federal Law on Vesting in Pension Plans (FZG/LFLP); or
- intends to become self-employed and is no longer subject to mandatory occupational pension coverage under the terms of the BVG; or
- the vested early leaver benefit is less than the annual contribution.
4 If the insured member is married, cash payment is only permitted if the spouse agrees in writing and the application is co-signed by the spouse. The signature must be certified.
5 If the Pension Fund is obliged to pay survivors’ or disability benefits after the vested early leaver benefit has been transferred to the insured member, this vested early leaver benefit must be returned to the Pension Fund when required for payment of the survivors’/disability benefit. If the payment is not returned, the survivors’/disability benefit shall be reduced in accordance with the principles of the Pension Fund.