Art. 4 Beginning and end of membership
1 Insurance begins on the day on which the employment relationship commences or with the first wage entitlement, in any event from the point the insured member is on the way to work, but no earlier than
- 1st January following the employee’s 17th birthday for the risks of death and disability;
- 1st January following the employee’s 21st birthday for retirement benefits.
2 An insured member who is only insured against death and disability may pay voluntary retirement contributions. These are credited to the supplementary account pursuant to Art. 9 Para. 2.
3 Insurance ends on termination of the employment relationship or when the minimum salary is below the specified level (Art. 3 Para. 1). The risks of death and disability remain insured for one month following termination of the pension relationship unless a new pension relationship is entered into during this period.
The insurance ends at the latest when the reference age is reached, subject to Art. 10a.